Association of Pure Energy Morocco (APEM)

Our Story

The establishment of Association of Pure Energy Morocco is driven by the purpose of promoting and preserving Moroccan heritage, culture, music, environment, and society. Our primary mission is to cultivate, preserve, and share knowledge and practices that celebrate the richness and diversity found within Morocco.

At our core, we are committed to facilitating cultural exchange activities guided by the visionary concepts pioneered by Japanese entrepreneur Mr. Ricci Inagaki. Through these initiatives, we aim to foster cross-cultural understanding and appreciation, creating opportunities for meaningful connections and collaborations between diverse communities.

Our Vision

Our vision is to cultivate, preserve, and share the rich knowledge and practices found within Morocco, fostering cross-cultural understanding and appreciation.

Our Mission

At Association of Pure Energy Morocco, our primary mission is to create meaningful connections and collaborations between diverse communities, laying the foundation for a harmonious and culturally enriched society.

Our Structure

Association of Pure Energy Morocco is structured around three core business pillars, each contributing to our mission in a unique and impactful way:

Pillar 1: Gnaoua Academy™️ : A School of Tradition and Innovation

Gnaoua Academy is a school dedicated to preserving and promoting the rich tradition of Gnaoua music, dance and its culture. Through a carefully curated curriculum, we aim to pass down the centuries-old Gnaoua heritage to the next generation while embracing innovation and creativity. Our academy will offer courses, workshops, and performances, providing aspiring artists and enthusiasts with a platform to explore and celebrate the unique essence of Gnaoua heritage.

Pillar 2: Naturally Handmade™️ : An Online Artisan Marketplace

Naturally Handmade is an online platform that showcases and supports the work of local artisans and craftsmen from Morocco to meet the demands of modern life. Our aim is to promote their authentic and naturally crafted products with new designs and export the values of naturally handmade energy to the world. By providing an accessible marketplace, we encourage sustainable practices and empower artisans to reach a broader audience, both locally and internationally.

Pillar 3: Pure Energy Tourism: Unveiling Morocco’s Cultural Treasures

Pure Energy Tourism is a cultural tourism venture focused on offering immersive and authentic experiences to travelers. We aim to introduce visitors to the rich cultural heritage of Morocco, showcasing its music, traditions, cuisine, and scenic beauty. Through carefully designed tours and activities, we seek to foster cross-cultural interactions and create lasting memories for travelers while promoting responsible and sustainable tourism practices.

Membership-based Business:

Association of Pure Energy Morocco operates on a membership-based model, inviting individuals, artists, entrepreneurs, and organizations who share our vision to join our vibrant community. Members will have access to exclusive events, workshops, networking opportunities, and special privileges across our business pillars. By fostering a community of like-minded individuals, we believe we can collectively contribute to the preservation and celebration of Morocco’s heritage and culture.

Exchange to Change

We are excited about the opportunities that lie ahead for Association of Pure Energy Morocco. With the Gnaoua Academy, Naturally Handmade, and Pure Energy Tourism as our guiding pillars, we are confident that our mission to promote and preserve Moroccan heritage will be brought to life. We look forward to working with our members and partners to create a positive impact on our community and society as a whole.

Thank you for your support and enthusiasm in this journey of cultural enrichment and exchange.


Karim Bazzi,
the president & secretary general
Tel: +212 (0)679 28 17 02 / E-mail: